“All you need is love . . .” the Beatles had it right.
If everyone on Earth would follow the Golden Rule, life would be so much better.
But we don’t always love one another. Sometimes we point fingers and yell. And sometimes we do and say even worse.
If you’re over 50 and could give a teenager your best advice for the life ahead, what would you say?
Do you think the teenager would see the value in the nuggets you provided and put them immediately into play?
And what if your friend was facing problems similar to your own roadblocks right now What do you think someone with challenges like your own do about them?
Do you think your friend would follow your recommendations?
Bigger question: You’re good at seeing exactly what others should do, but not so great at doing what you know you should be doing.
And that brings us to a Someday Plan maxim: The problem isn’t that we don’t know what to do. The problem is that we don’t do what we know.
Welcome to The Someday Plan.
The Someday Plan is an extension and expansion of my earlier work, The Daily Deep. My own practice of The Deep is different now than it was a decade or so ago when that first book was written. So much has changed, in fact, it seemed best to publish this new personal field manual under The Someday Plan title.
The changes go beyond The Deep part of the work, though. The Someday Plan goes further on the front end to address a more cohesive audience and on the back end to help with workshops on topics of interest to that audience.
I am in the process of writing the book. Pre-readers can be a big help. If you’d be willing to pitch in … whether to pre-read or to get notified when the book is for sale to help boost audience reach … your help would be very much appreciated.
You will be rewarded.
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