The 10 Days of Awe — the period between Rosh Hashanah (the religious new year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) — are traditionally a time of preparation. Jews and Messianic believers worldwide are taking time for reflection, repentance, prayer, and acts of kindness. The Days of Awe are a perfect time to practice Hineni.
Like any child, I want my Father to be pleased with me. I want to take my victories to Him to prove how capable I am … and that’s how I know I’m on the wrong track. The truth is that I am dependent on God for every breath and every action. I can do nothing without Him. That’s why I practice Hineni (Here I am, Lord). I place myself before Him as one ready to listen and do as I am directed. His way may not be my way. His goals and mine may not be in sync. When I use Hineni, I report for duty. I acknowledge my place in the Kingdom. I am a child of God.
The Someday Plan begins by Stopping
We Stop to be present to and listen to our Creator. We Stop to acknowledge that our constant busyness without His blessing is likely making things worse, not better. We Stop to acknowledge our dependence on Him and His redemption.
The 10 Days of Awe end at sunset September 24 this year. Use the time to grow closer, to grow wiser … to grow up. Leverage your Hineni time this week. Know that your Father desires your presence, your attention. Realize every ounce of ability you have comes from Him. Stop trying to fix yourself on your own. Look to Him.
There is just one place a believer should be needy in this life: We need God.
If you’ve tried and tried only to fail and fail … why not approach life differently for a change?
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6 (NASB)
- I show up as I am
- I am present
- I am listening
Stu says
Yes. Only God can move our hearts, but I have to be present (a thing I wrestle with). That’s why those moments of Hineni are so important. To stop. Be present. Acknowledge Gos in every breath.