After the moon is full and begins to wane there are days when the sun is up, but the moon is still visible in the sky. That has been the case month after month since the world began, yet it always seems striking to me to see the moon in the daytime.
I saw the moon in the western sky this morning a full hour after a beautiful sunrise. And that reminded me of something else . . .
The Moon Is Always There — Even When We Can’t See It
The moon is always there, but we can’t always see it. The same can be said of God. Our Creator is always present, whether we realize it or not and whether we believe it or not.
Humans didn’t invent the moon or set it in place, and humans don’t control its movement. Nor did humans invent God or control his movement. His grace and mercy are always with us. He is always there.
That, my friend, is Good News.
Charles says
The Infinite creator is omniscient and omnipresent. Beyond my grasp to fully comprehend but true nonetheless.