After the moon is full and begins to wane there are days when the sun is up, but the moon is still visible in the sky. That has been the case month after month since the world began, yet it always seems striking to me to see the moon in the daytime. …
The Someday Plan Blog
Slow Down or Go Faster?
Have you ever rushed to get something done -- then discovered you made a mistake and had to go back to make changes ... causing you to lose time instead of saving time? Here's a way to accomplish more ... without the hurry. I received and …
Is This How Old You Are?
Life has milestones. At 16, I was old enough to get a driver's license. At 18, I could vote. At 21, I could buy alcohol. At 25, I qualified for a discount on my auto insurance, and at 50 I received a letter from the AARP telling me I was old enough to …
What God Wants To Know
Like Eve and Adam in the garden, we're given a choice: Should we believe what God tells us, or should we believe the enemy of our souls? Eve fell for the lies, Adam went along with it ... and all manner of evil followed. Nothing has changed. The …
How Do I Know?
I Doubt, Therefore I Am Philosophy 101: "I think, therefore I am" (Rene Descartes). Descartes' famous statement might be better translated as "I doubt, therefore I am." Descartes reasoned that a body of truth could only be built on a bedrock of …