Today’s massive attack on Israel stirred the pot for talk about Armageddon — the final battle between good and evil. The world situation is certainly ripe for another great war, but only God knows when it will happen.
Whether this battle is the one that sparks the final battle or not, we can be sure of one thing: You and I have a limited amout of time on Earth.
How shall we live it?
Most of the Biblical references for Armageddon are in Revelation, chapters 16-21. Scripture speaks of a time when “The kings of the earth” will gather to wipe the nation of Israel off the map.
Who Wins the Battle of Armageddon?
Check a map of Israel and you may be amazed at how the tiny nation has remained intact while surrounded by enemies. As Prime Minister Golda Meir put it: “Our secret weapon is that we have nowhere else to go.”
According to the Bible, there will be a surprise ending: Christ will return to fight for Israel and its enemies will be silenced forever. And therein lies a primary reason why Jesus was rejected by the Jews during His first appearance on Earth: He came as a suffering servant the first time, but they were looking for a Messiah that would free them from their predicament. That will happen at Armageddon, and many Jews will be shocked … along with the rest of the world.
What About You?
Whether today’s invasion signals the soon end of time or not, chances seem certain that you and I will not live forever — at least not in our current state. We may not be present when the final battle between good and evil occurs, but we are here today, and this is the time we have to choose which side we are on.
Each person must make that call for themselves. Others can pray for us, encourage us, and even beg us to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the promised One who can and will certainly deliver those who trust in Him. Those blessed with the gift of Faith can choose to be His disciples now, but there will come a “someday” when we will no longer have that choice.
We don’t have to believe. We can deny Him. We can even join those who war against Jesus and Israel. We can fight against God, if we wish. But His enemies will not emerge victorious. They will be dealt with severely. A case can be made that non-believers will suffer the flames of hell for eternity. Others say they will be eternally separated from God. Both provide the same result, and it is nowhere near worth it. “Today is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
This is the only time we have to make our decision.
Whose side are you on?
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